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2020/1/20 20:25:03发布137次查看

2017年5月27日toefl机经|托福口语机经预测单科拔高-  超高命中率托福机经免费下载了,右下角在线老师处免费索取!
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托福独立口语题目:some people prefer to make friends with people who have similar interests to theirs. others prefer to make friends with people who have different interest to theirs. which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? why?
托福独立口语思路:reasons for each side:
1. similar interest
- easy to communicate
- have more common topics
2. different interest
- know different knowledge
- learn from each other托福独立口语范文:as for the question of making friends, some people would like to make friends with those who have similar interest, while others hold the opposite viewpoint. from my own perspective, i prefer to make friends with different interests. for one thing, if we make new friends with different interests, we have more chances to be familiar with various knowledge. besides, we may find our potentials in those different fields. for another, people with different interests are more likely to think, speak and behave differently than us. thus, we will learn from each other during the time we spent together. to conclude, i prefer to expand my friend circle to know more friends with different interests.
托福独立口语题目:should students be required to participate in regular discuss in class? please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.
- effective to correct mistakes in our recognition
- to practice my communicative skills
- to disturb the pace of class
- to distract from the class content and talk about irrelevant things instead托福独立口语范文:agree
i think so. there are some reasons. firstly, it's effective to correct mistakes in our recognition. without tests or specific corrections, we can hardly realize if there's any mistake in our knowledge base. and during the process of discussion, the mistakes may probably be warned by group members, which thus makes sure our understanding towards the topic being discussed is properly made. moreover, it practices my communicative skills. during the process, in order to get myself understood, i have to not only state my point clearly but precisely. and this is a skill quite necessary in working environment when presenting my idea to colleagues and supervisors.



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